MOEMS 2023 Olympiad 3 Results

Dear Parents,

I’m really happy to say that we just finished Olympiad 3 of MOEMS 2023, and it went great! The students did better than before, and I’m so proud of how much they’ve improved. They worked hard and it really showed in their scores. Great job, everyone!

Misheel Gankhuyag755414
Anudari Maidarjav534411
Huslen Batkhuyag734411
Sarah Pala53339
Itgelt Khovorerdene52338
Otgonbayar Ganzorig62338
Angelina Erdenetsogt72248
Amirlan Davaajamts6110 -A2
Henry Borgilkhuu50 -A0 -A0-A0

We’ve only got two more Olympiads left in the MOEMS 2023 series, one in February and the other in March. I’ll be announcing the details of the 4th Olympiad soon. Once we have the details, we’ll start getting ready for it. Stay tuned and keep up the good work!

Also , great news! I’ve discovered another Olympiad for us to join. Its first round is an online contest on February 5th. If our students do well, they’ll move on to the second round. Participation isn’t required, but I really encourage all students in our Olympiad prep class to give it a try. The more competitions we enter, the more experience and skill we gain. Here’s the link for this new Olympiad: Let’s take this opportunity to learn and grow even more!