Latest Update

Dear Parents,

As we celebrate the 3rd anniversary of our tutoring center’s establishment in Illinois, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and trust. Your belief in our mission has been the cornerstone of our growth and success.
Over the years, our main goal has always been the same: to help students become great at math, learn to love taking on challenges, and grow into people who love to learn and work hard.

Looking back at our journey together, I’m excited to share some great news and updates about what we’ve achieved:

Effective Communication Through Reports:

We’ve introduced a detailed reporting system, enhancing how we communicate your child’s progress. This system allows for personalized insights into their learning journey, ensuring you’re always informed and engaged.

Website Enhancement for Easy Access to Reports:

To further our commitment to transparency and ease of access, we’ve upgraded our website. Now, you can access all previous reports through a user-friendly interface. Here’s how:

  • Visit and navigate to the “Reports” section.
  • Click on the “Reports” tab.
  • Enter your child’s name and weekday of tutoring in the designated fields.
  • Ask the teacher for the passcode, and click submit to access a comprehensive view of your child’s progress and achievements.

Rising Stars in Math Competitions:

Our students’ average grades and skills have seen remarkable improvement, fueling a surge in participation in national and international math competitions. This achievement is a testament to their hard work and our center’s quality of education.

Curriculum Upgrades with Global Standards:

In our pursuit of providing world-class education, we’ve incorporated the latest and most effective math curricula, including Singapore Math and materials from international competitions. This ensures our students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to excel at the highest levels.

As we look toward the future, we are excited about scaling our operations to welcome more students and teachers into our community. This expansion is a testament to our collective success and the trust you have placed in us.

If you have been satisfied with our work and the progress your children have made, we kindly ask you to consider leaving a review on one of the social platforms, with Google being the most appreciated. Your feedback not only supports our growth but also helps other families make informed decisions about their children’s education.

Google Review Yelp Review

Once again, thank you for trusting us with your children’s education. Your support has been a pivotal part of our journey, and we look forward to continuing to serve you and your family with dedication and excellence.

Warmest regards,